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Some warning signs are not as obvious as others and need a better understanding to recognize the potential for future problems. We’ve come up with a list of the top 7 warning signs that you may need to have your roof repaired or worse case, replaced. Roofing projects can be expensive, however, the cost of ruining the interior components or causing damage to your personal effects is a small price to pay. Always use a professional roofing contractor for repairs and new roof installations.
Here Are The Top 7 Warning Signs:
1. Shingles are Curling Up: If your shingles do not look flat and you can see corners curling up in numerous locations, this is a sign that your shingles have outlived their life expectancy and it’s time relieve them of their duty and install the next generation of protection.
2. Light in the Attic: If there’s visible light in your attic from the rafters above, then this is no doubt a cause for alarm. If you can see light, water can definitely see the interior of your house. This needs immediate attention and you should call a professional roofer to inspect the damage and get an estimate to repair the damage.
3. Sagging Roof: If you see a big dip on your roof this is a very serious matter. This means there’s structural damage to your rafters which can implode and cause serious damage or a life-threatening situation.
4. Water Stains on the Ceiling: If you see deep yellow/blackish rings on your ceilings, this is a definite warning sign that you have a serious problem that needs to be addressed. This can also lead to mold spores floating in your house causing serious health problems.
5. The Paint is Peeling: If the paint is peeling from the ceiling and walls, this is a trademark of water damage. As above this can cause serious problems with black mold spores. Consideration of drywall applications needs special care because mold will manifest with the compounds found in Gypsum.
6. Severe Natural Weather Damage: Mother Nature cannot be predicted, and her wrath is sometimes violent with heavy rains, winds, and hail the size of baseballs. If you see ripped up corners on your asphalt shingles or damage from hail to a metal roof, call a roofing contractor to assess the damage.
7. Neighbors Replacing Their Shingles: If you see a lot of people, especially in your subdivision, replacing their roofs, it might be a good time to take a hard look at yours because most houses in a subdivision are built within a few years of each other and if their roof is failing, this is a good warning sign that yours could be next. Always call Affordable Roof Installation Buckhead Experts for the best results.
Here are Some Common Questions About Buckhead Roofing Contractors...
One question to ask your contractor is how long have they been in business ?
Knowing that your contractor has at least 3 years of experience as a roofing contractor gives an indication that they have the required skills to do the job.
How do I know if my roof needs to be repaired or replaced ?
Although there are a great many roof systems out there, I will assume that your question is about a single family detached residential roof, specifically an asphalt shingle roof.
The first advice I would give is to see if you can tell the age of the roof (and whether it may be covered under any manufacturer’s warranty).
Roof shingles typically are made to last 20 to 30 years, although they may remain serviceable for much longer.
That said, here are some things to look for:
Building codes allow a maximum of two roofs before removal of the roofs down to the deck is required
Source: Quora